Dec 23, 2018

Traffic Jam

Traffic jam means a long line of different kinds of vehicles. It is a common sight in our country. It is one of the major problems of modern time. This problem is created by the rapid growth of population and the increasing number of vehicles. It occurs almost all the district towns where a lot of vehicles play everyday. Especially it occurs near bus stand, railway crossing, in front of a school or a college and turn of a road, at the junction of various roads or near a market. It occurs mainly in the morning and afternoon on working days when everyday body tries to attend office in short time or returns home as early as possible. Actually traffic jam occurs seriously at office and school time. The causes of traffic jam are many. The roads of our country are very narrow. There are many unlicenced vehicles in our country. The drivers are not willing to obey traffic rules. They want to drive according to their freedom. As a result, traffic jam is created. Traffic jam is very harmful for our life. It kills our valuable time and our works are hampered widely. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by taking some steps. Our government should construct spacious roads. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey traffic rules. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Finally unlicenced vehicles should be removed. In fact, traffic jam is very harmful for every nation. By doing the above things, we can be free from traffic jam.

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