Sep 24, 2019

শেষ মুহূর্তে প্রস্তুতি যে কোন ইউনিভার্সিটির জন্য

শেষ মুহূর্তে প্রস্তুতি যে কোন ইউনিভার্সিটির জন্য :
শেষ মুহূর্তে প্রস্তুতি যে কোন ইউনিভার্সিটির জন্য :      1.Jason's father bought him ---- bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.  • a  • an  • the  • no article    ans: the  " that he had wanted for his birthday" দ্বারা এখানে বোঝানো হচ্ছে যে সে একটি নির্দিষ্ট bicycle চেয়েছিল।    2. I have three close friends. ----- is from Noakhali, ----- from Dhaka, and ------ from Chittagong.  • one, another, the other  • one, other, another  • another, other, the other  • other, others, another    ans: one, another, the other  অনেকগুলোর মধ্যে প্রথমে যেটির কথা বলা হবে তার সাথে one , অন্য যে কোন একটির বেলায় another এবং সর্বশেষটির বেলায় the other বসে।    3. Raju said to the salesman, "The pen is not working. Please give me --------."  • one  • another  • the other  • the others    ans: another  দোকানে অনেকগুলো কলম থেকে আরও যে কোন একটি কলম দেয়ার কথা বলা হচ্ছে। একাধিক থেকে যখন যে কোন একটির কথা বলা হয় তখন another বসে।    4. Samia said to her father, "Papa, ----- Rajib came to meet you when you were outside. I have never seen him in my life."  • a  • an  • the  • no article    ans: a  a Rajib= Rajib নামের এক লোক (জনৈক রাজীব)।    5. Would you like ------ coffee than this?  • little  • less  • few  • fewer    ans: less  coffee যেহেতু uncountable তাই little অথবা less বসবে এবং than থাকার কারণে comparative form হিসেবে less বসবে (little- positive, less- comparative, least-superlative)।    6. A sentence must have----------  • a subject, a verb and an object  • a subject, a verb and an object  • a subject and a verb  • a subject, a verb and a complement    ans: a subject and a verb  sentence হওয়ার জন্য একটি subject এবং একটি verb অবশ্যই থাকতে হবে। বাকিগুলো থাকতে পারে, না ও থাকতে পারে।    7. Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday. The underlined part is ---------  • complement  • modifier of place  • modifier of time  • modifier of manner    ans: Modifier of place  কোন জায়গার কথা বলা হলে সেটা অবশ্যই 'modifier of place' ই হবে।    8. Which of the following is in singular form?  • teeth  • mice  • people  • louse    ans: louse  tooth- teeth, mouse- mice, person- people, louse- lice    9. Samira attended ------- Dhaka University.  • a  • an  • the  • no article    ans: no article  the University of Dhaka, but Dhaka University.    10. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but ----- ones were reasonably priced.  • other  • others  • the other  • the others    Ans: The other  শেষেরগুলো বোঝাতে the other বসবে, এবং যেহেতু তার পরে ones আছে তাই the others হবে না।    11.Mary ----- dinner when her friend called.  • ate  • had eaten  • would eat  • was eating  Ans: D    12. Jose ----- a letter to his family when his pen -------.  • wrote, broke  • was writing, broke  • wrote, was breaking  • was writing, was breaking  Ans: B    13. Ritil ----- to Miami three times.  • has gone  • had gone  • went  • has been going  Ans: A    14. He ------ in the same house for twenty years.  • has been living  • has lived  • both of the above  • none of the above  Ans: C    15. Saima ----- to the store before she went home.  • went  • has gone  • was going  • had gone  Ans: D    16. After John ---- his clothes, he began to study.  • has washed  • had washed  • washed  • would wash  Ans: B    17. Jane sent a letter to her university after she ------ her scholarship check.  • had received  • received  • has received  • would receive  Ans: A    18. Tony ---- his report last night.  • has written  • wrote  • had written  • would write  Ans: B    19. Martha ------ television at seven o'clock last night.  • watched  • had watched  • was watching  • has watched  Ans: C    20. The curry ------ very good.  • is smelling  • was smelling  • smells  • smelling  Ans: C

1.Jason's father bought him ---- bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
• a
• an
• the
• no article

ans: the
" that he had wanted for his birthday" দ্বারা এখানে বোঝানো হচ্ছে যে সে একটি নির্দিষ্ট bicycle চেয়েছিল।

2. I have three close friends. ----- is from Noakhali, ----- from Dhaka, and ------ from Chittagong.
• one, another, the other
• one, other, another
• another, other, the other
• other, others, another

ans: one, another, the other
অনেকগুলোর মধ্যে প্রথমে যেটির কথা বলা হবে তার সাথে one , অন্য যে কোন একটির বেলায় another এবং সর্বশেষটির বেলায় the other বসে।

3. Raju said to the salesman, "The pen is not working. Please give me --------."
• one
• another
• the other
• the others

ans: another
দোকানে অনেকগুলো কলম থেকে আরও যে কোন একটি কলম দেয়ার কথা বলা হচ্ছে। একাধিক থেকে যখন যে কোন একটির কথা বলা হয় তখন another বসে।

4. Samia said to her father, "Papa, ----- Rajib came to meet you when you were outside. I have never seen him in my life."
• a
• an
• the
• no article

ans: a
a Rajib= Rajib নামের এক লোক (জনৈক রাজীব)।

5. Would you like ------ coffee than this?
• little
• less
• few
• fewer

ans: less
coffee যেহেতু uncountable তাই little অথবা less বসবে এবং than থাকার কারণে comparative form হিসেবে less বসবে (little- positive, less- comparative, least-superlative)।

6. A sentence must have----------
• a subject, a verb and an object
• a subject, a verb and an object
• a subject and a verb
• a subject, a verb and a complement

ans: a subject and a verb
sentence হওয়ার জন্য একটি subject এবং একটি verb অবশ্যই থাকতে হবে। বাকিগুলো থাকতে পারে, না ও থাকতে পারে।

7. Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday. The underlined part is ---------
• complement
• modifier of place
• modifier of time
• modifier of manner

ans: Modifier of place
কোন জায়গার কথা বলা হলে সেটা অবশ্যই 'modifier of place' ই হবে।

8. Which of the following is in singular form?
• teeth
• mice
• people
• louse

ans: louse
tooth- teeth, mouse- mice, person- people, louse- lice

9. Samira attended ------- Dhaka University.
• a
• an
• the
• no article

ans: no article
the University of Dhaka, but Dhaka University.

10. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but ----- ones were reasonably priced.
• other
• others
• the other
• the others

Ans: The other
শেষেরগুলো বোঝাতে the other বসবে, এবং যেহেতু তার পরে ones আছে তাই the others হবে না।

11.Mary ----- dinner when her friend called.
• ate
• had eaten
• would eat
• was eating
Ans: D

12. Jose ----- a letter to his family when his pen -------.
• wrote, broke
• was writing, broke
• wrote, was breaking
• was writing, was breaking
Ans: B

13. Ritil ----- to Miami three times.
• has gone
• had gone
• went
• has been going
Ans: A

14. He ------ in the same house for twenty years.
• has been living
• has lived
• both of the above
• none of the above
Ans: C

15. Saima ----- to the store before she went home.
• went
• has gone
• was going
• had gone
Ans: D

16. After John ---- his clothes, he began to study.
• has washed
• had washed
• washed
• would wash
Ans: B

17. Jane sent a letter to her university after she ------ her scholarship check.
• had received
• received
• has received
• would receive
Ans: A

18. Tony ---- his report last night.
• has written
• wrote
• had written
• would write
Ans: B

19. Martha ------ television at seven o'clock last night.
• watched
• had watched
• was watching
• has watched
Ans: C

20. The curry ------ very good.
• is smelling
• was smelling
• smells
• smelling
Ans: C

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