Jan 17, 2019

এসএসসি প্রস্তুতি ♦ ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র ♦ মডেল টেস্ট

Part - A : Grammar ( 60 marks )

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.            0.5×10=5
In ancient time, text book was the most (a) _ thing for the students. Teachers were the only (b) _ and source of information. The students had to (c) _ all the (d) _ from the lecture of their
(e) _. There was no guide book or other (f) _ books in the market. During that period, a teacher had (g) _ deliver a lecture by studying (h) _ text book. For the situation, the students used to depend on the (i) _ completely. As a result, there was a great (j) _ between a teacher and a student.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                      0.5×10=5
E-mail has brought about (a) _ revolution in modern communication. Message can be transmitted (b) _ one country to another within (c) _ few seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade (d) _ commerce has become greatly dependent (e) _ this speedy mode of communication. It has, however, not reached everyone, specially (f) _ developing countries like ours, as most (g) _ the people cannot afford to have (h) _ personal computer. But most (i) _ the people have started using commercially operated email (j) _ important purpose.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.          1×5=5
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.            0.5×10=5.
Child labour has (a) _ internationally by UN. To (b) _ a child do the work that is suitable for a man, is punishable. Yet in the third world countries, the number of child labour (c) _ up day by day. Bangladesh (d) _ one of those countries. Though government is committed to (e) _ rich people to engage children in labourous work, things are not so easy. Poverty (f) _ the first impediment in this field. The poor parents want to get additional earning by (g) _ their children in work. Many children (h) _ at different sectors now. But this should not be (i) _ on. We should immediately (j) _ this problem.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text.                              05
Belal said to Bela, “ Happy Birth day to you. you look like a fairy!” “Thank you, dear,” she said. “ Where is Beli ? I miss her.” “ Sorry, she is at hospital with her ailing mother. A track hit her and kept her senseless on the road.” “ Let’s go to see her,” said Belal.
6. Change the sentences according to direction.                       1×10=10
(a) Water logging is one of the worst problems of Dhaka city. (Positive)
(b) People suffer a lot from water logging. (Interrogative)
(c) The city dwellers are the worst victims. (Complex)
(d) Government has taken some measures to solve this problem. (Passive)
(e) This problem must be addressed properly. (Active)
(f) What a miserable life we lead in the rainy season! (Assertive)
(g) We cannot but go with this problem. (Affirmative)
(h) No other phenomenon is as intolerable as this problem.(Superlative)
(i) The people who live in the slum suffer terribly. (Simple)
(j) No thing is as bad as this problem. (Comparative)
7. Complete the sentences.                  1×5=5
(a) We should say ‘no’ to corruption because  _ 
(b) Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also _ .
(c) It is high time govt _ .
(d) We should work together if _ .
(e) But we are so self centered that _ .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, presixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.         .05×10=5
A good teacher is an (a) act. He/She presents a lesson in an (b) artist way that makes the lesson lively. His technique of teaching makes a lesson interesting even to the students who are (c) interested. The students who are (d) interested in the class are made interested to imparting teacher (e) artistic. A good teacher should also be a (f) psychology. He must have (g) capable to read the minds of the students. And different (h) treat must be suggested to different students. Another (i) importance quality of a teacher is (j) tolerate .
9. Make tag questions of these statements.                  1×5=5
(a) Time and tide wait for none, _ ?
(b) But many of us waste time, _ ?
(c) None will prosper in life without utilizing time properly, _ ?
(d) Allah helps the industrious, _ ?
(e) All of us ought to use our time properly, _ ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.               1×5=5
Global warming is increasing day by day (a)  _ deforestation. We cut down trees (b) _ most of the time do not think of planting trees. (c) _  human beings and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d) _ there will be no trees left for us. (e) _ we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                      05
give me a few grains of corns i am dying of hunger said the grasshopper but what did you do in summer didn’t you store up any corn asked the ant no i was too busy replied the grasshopper.
A n s w e r s
1. (a) resourceful; (b) guide; (c) collect;           (d) information; (e) teacher; (f) reference; (g) to; (h) through; (i) teacher; (j) relation;
2. (a) a; (b) from; (c) a; (d) and; (e) on; (f) in;             (g) of; (h) a; (i) of; (j) in/for;
3. (a) Unemployment is a curse.
(b) It weakens the body and mind of our young population.
(c) There are more people in our country than jobs.
(d) Educated youths remain idle after completing their studies.
(e) They should not depend on govt. to provide them with jobs.
4. (a) been forbidden; (b) do; (c) is going; (d) is; (e) dissuading; (f) is; (g) employing; (h) are working; (i) carried; (j) address;
5. Belal wished Bela happy birthday and added that she looked like a fairy. She cordially thanked him. Belal/he asked where Beli was and added that he missed her (Beli). Bela replied that she (Bela) was sorry and added that she (Beli) was at hospital with her ailing mother. Bela/she also said that a truck had hit her (mother) and kept her (mother) senseless on the road. Belal proposed that they should go to see her.
6. (a) Very few problems of Dhaka city are as bad as water logging.
(b) Don’t people suffer a lot for water logging? (c) It is the city dwellers who are the worst victims.
(d) Some measures have been taken by the govt./authority/us to solve this problem.
(e) We/authority/govt. must address this problem properly.
(f) We lead a very miserable life in the rainy season.
(g) We must go with this problem.
(h) This problem is the most intolerable phenomenon.
(i) The slum dwellers suffer terribly.
(j) This problem is worse than any other thing.
7. (a) We should say ‘no’ to corruption because it is harmful.
(b) Corrupt person are not only dishonest but also dangerous for the society and nation.
(c) It is high time govt to prevent corruption.
(d) We should work together for the betterment of the country.
(e) But we are so self-centered that we are not in the habit of thinking about the welfare of others.
8. (a) actor; (b)artistic; (c) uninterested;           (d) uninterested; (e) artistically; (f) psychologist; (g) capability; (h) treatment; (i) important;           (j) tolerance;
9. (a) do they? (b) don’t we? (c) will they?      (d) doesn’t He? (e) don’t/ oughtn’t we?
10. (a) due to/owing to/because of; (b) but;     (c) That’s why/For this; (d) when; (e) Then/ consequently;
11. “Give me a few grains of corns. I am dying of hunger.” Said Grasshopper. “But what did you do in summer? Didn’t you store up any corn?” asked the Ant. “No, I was too busy,” replied the Grasshopper.

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